On Aug 22, James D. Freels wrote:
> Hartmut,
> Sorry about sending this e-mail public, but the following 2 e-mail
> addresses failed:
> Being desparate, I am sending to the list as last resort to try and
> find Hartmut.

I believe it's actually "koptein":

quango4 /usr/src> lbdbq hartmut

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hartmut Koptein 1999-05-08 14:16
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Hartmut Koptein 1999-08-22 22:06
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Hartmut Koptein 1999-07-18 21:45
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Hartmut Koptein 1999-05-21 02:54
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Hartmut Koptein 99-02-23 23:57
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hartmut Koptein 1999-08-19 17:32

Try one of those :-)

|        Chris Lawrence         |        Get your Debian 2.1 CD-ROMs        |
|   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    |         http://www.lordsutch.com/         |
|                               |                                           |
|    Amiga A4000 604e/233Mhz    |    Are you tired of politics as usual?    |
|     with Linux/APUS 2.2.8     |             http://www.lp.org/            |

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