On x86 tech the CPU has only like very, very few registers, and     so it 
really needs the next instructions FAST, so a change on the system bus 
makes a lot of a difference, but on RISC, that has lots of registers, 
that might not be the case, isn't it? 

That is what I need to find out, because even POWERBOOT has 66MHz bus.....

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Jeramy B Smith wrote:

> >
> > I book uses a 66Mhz bus for memory :(
> >
> >
> I am filled with an urge to vomit. I knew their had to be catch. I didn't
> care that the screen was small. I didn't care that they looked kinda hokey.
> I was still going to buy one so I could run linux on it and wow the females.
> Not now though.
> My guess is motorola had a gazillion of these 66mhz based chips lying in
> their warehouse and cut apple a deal. Maybe iBook Rev. B will have 100mhz.

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