On Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 11:49:25AM -0700, Alexander S. Guy wrote:
> You say that in jest, but that's not such a bad idea.  Considering that
> the boards that are desired are OEM, and the specs are freely available.
> It might be better to start a group, where a number of parties put money
> together, and sponsor a production run.  I'm not sure if that would be
> successful, but it would sure be cool to try. :)

Actually, I'm only half-jesting. I have plans for a large business, and I 
might have found myself an investor/partner as of last night, that will be
specializing in a semi-niche market, and we will be offering PowerPC boxes, 
specifically MTX+ workstations and RS/6000's. But if that doesn't go       
through, I don't see why we couldn't all work together to get a production
run done. :)

-Phillip R. Jaenke, Rabid Systems Administrator and BOFH
 "Unix is so much more than a way of life. It's a way of.. er..
  it's a way of SOMETHING! I just don't know what yet!"

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