Hi, folks. I received a handful of responses when I asked if anyone was interested in a document about installing Debian over LinuxPPC, so I decided to give it a try. I used the notes I took while doing this on my iMac, so the instructions might be a little iMac-centric.
Please look over <URL:http://www.soundwave.net/~wmono/linuxppc-debian/> and let me know what you think. If you feel the page is worth linking to, please feel free to do so. Thanks! -- William Ono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> PGP key: 0x93BA6AFD fingerprint = E3 64 C5 43 3E B3 2D A6 C6 D7 E3 45 90 24 78 DE = fingerprint PGP-encrypted mail welcome! "640k ought to be enough for everybody."