Hi, a short info how many packages are up-to-date:
Distribution unstable: ---------------------- Installed : 1244 (buildd: 940, koptein: 1, unknown: 303) Needs-Build : 1 Building : 200 (buildd: 200) Uploaded : 70 (buildd: 70) Failed : 3 (koptein: 2, unknown: 1) Dep-Wait : 0 Reupload-Wait : 0 Install-Wait : 0 Failed-Removed : 2 (buildd: 1, koptein: 1) Dep-Wait-Removed: 0 Not-For-Us : 75 (buildd: 3, unknown: 72) total : 1595 81.84% up-to-date, 86.45% if also counting uploaded pkgs 0.07% uncompiled 13.16% currently building (short-term delay) 0.20% failed or waiting (long-term delay) --------------------------------------------------------------- Un-available packages are (important): plplot-dev, iconc, icont, mercury, oo2c, liboo2c, gmp, libpisock-dev, gtkglarea-dev, gstep-base-dev, libcapplet-dev, roxen-pike, python-numeric, pact-dev, prc-tools, tnt Thnx, Hartmut And a big thanks goes to Konstantinos!