Dear Mr.Valette and Mr.Koptein 

Thank you for your answers.

Return for :
"VALETTE Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> @ " Re: Debian-PPC on PReP "
date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 11:24:42 +0100 (CET) >>>

>>>>>> "Hartmut" == Hartmut Koptein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hartmut> After uploading the kernel-images i'll do more for the boot-floppies. 
>But as i wrote,
>Hartmut> i can test it only on CHRP. But bootp/tftp booting should then also 
>be possible.
>Thanks for the work!. I'm running debian ~2.1 on a MCP750 (motorola CompactPCI 
>Prep G3 machine)
>and a powerMac DT 300. May I ask for a more recent version of 
>base_install.tgz. I guess
>it will come when you make the new bootfloppies... I must install a new 
>machine a the
>first update is always a problem due to bugs in perl install

I have some questions for your mails.
1.Where to get base_install.tgz
2.Bootp needs some other Unix machine?

If you have an installer for Mac, or initrd ramdisk.image.gz, I may be able to 
make boot-
floppy for Debian/PReP&CHRP, to use linux2.2.1 source.
Are there any PowerPC(mac) install ramdisk-image?

Kaz Aoshima = PReP station
Material deveropment, Faculty of engineering, 
Tohoku University, Japan

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