On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> no the "noaccel" keyword disable the accel stuff from geertt's patch, that is
> supposedly, with noaccel it would be the same as if you were using a normal X,
> without the patches. what is the chip of your graphic board ? what is reported
> by fbset -i ? what does X say about accel ?

I think that the  "noaccel" option would have no effect on me, but then
again I might be wrong.

% fbset -i

mode "name"
    # D: 74.996 MHz, H: 56.473 kHz, V: 70.066 Hz
    geometry 1024 768 1024 768 8
    timings 13334 128 40 29 3 136 6

Frame buffer device information:
    Name        : `valkyrie'
    Address     : 0xf1001000
    Size        : 786432
    Type        : PACKED PIXELS
    Visual      : PSEUDOCOLOR
    XPanStep    : 0
    YPanStep    : 0
    YWrapStep   : 0
    LineLength  : 1024
    MMIO Address: 0xf130a000
    MMIO Size   : 64
    Accelerator : No
> i thought most macs used ATI graphic chips ???

Not really. It has only recently been that ATI chips are includeed per
default in macs. A while ago, Apple used to produce and include its own
proprietary chips. That's why, there is no accelaration for these
(although they could support it theoritically). 

Konstantinos Margaritis

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