On Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at 12:20:01PM +0100, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> hello, ...
> after one month without access to my harddisk, i finally got my scsi cable
> back, and tried to install dan's X packages. it seems to be working fine, but
> xterm does have some problems, it don't opens an xterm, and says something
> about denied permission on the console.
> i had no time (tried it this morning) to check the problem more, but since 
> this
> package are there since some time now, perhaps someone else has encouterer 
> (and
> solved?) the same problem, so i don't need to pass time on it.

Could you please get me the strace output of running xterm?

> btw, the current base has a kbd-dataxxx-10, but only a kbd_xxx-9 which depends
> on kbd-data (=xxx-9), so it is not useable. I didn't have the latest kbd 
> source
> so i compiled the -7 version of them. 
> Should it be possible to do something so that binary-all package that are
> depended upon by binary-ppc packages don't get erased when there is a new
> verison of the package, but not yet the corresponding ppc package ?

We wish.  Unfortunately, there is not.


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