On Sun, Nov 15, 1998 at 01:58:31PM -0500, Josh Huber wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> > > seeing from a simple ls /lib, it's 2.0.95. Is there a new 2.0.100 .deb?
> > 
> > Yes, it's in all the mirrors now.
> I'm a little unclear as to how I should be installing debian still.
> Does it matter that the base tar file has a different glibc version than
> the .deb on the mirrors?
> Will installing the new glibc (100) upgrade properly?
> I'm on a slow link here, and I don't want to waste lots of time and
> bandwidth downloading everything.
> speaking of which, should I get everything in main, contrib, non-free
> (binary-powerpc of course)?
> Is installing via ftp the best way to go so that the structure doesn't get
> screwed up?

We're much closer to having an installer now; unfortunately, it's
1.56MB, and I need to play around with the linker to see if we can make
it fit on a floppy.  Meanwhile, upgrading to .100 should work -
although be sure to upgrade to libstdc++ at about the same time.

So depending on how urgent you are, it may be better to wait while this
image approaches workingness.


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