> To answer my own question :) (and a new one)
> > http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~geert/PowerPC/Install/zImage.ps2
> with boot net I could start this image but the system crashed shortly. In
> fact, I haven't seen the "normal" linux kernel messages just something
> else. If you think it helps, I'll copy the exact messages here.
> Could someone give me a Linux kernel for IBM 604e powerpc with ps/2
> keyboard and mouse and bootp+rootfs-on-nfs support?

I think geerts zimage is the 2.1.72. 

I pack my current (ps/2) zimage for you and let you know - in my next mail - 
to get it. 



 Hartmut Koptein                                       EMail:
 Friedrich-van-Senden-Str. 7                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 26603 Aurich   
 Tel.: +49-4941-10390                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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