> /usr/local/arch_specific_name/sys-include and not include, like it
> is the default in dpkg-cross.

Using sys-include instead of include is at least unusual... Don't know
if there's a reason for this. You can either make a symlink include ->
sys-include, or change the crossinc variable in
/etc/dpkg/cross-compile from the default (not written down) to

  crossinc = $(CROSSDIR)/sys-include

> Secondly, i tried to cross build the hello package, and it died with
> the following error (more or less since i am at workand don't have
> it under my eyes.)
> /lib/libc.so.6 don't recognize the file format.
> my guess is that it don't use /usr/local/ppc-linux/lib/libc.so.6
> like it should but the m68k one ?

Seems so, yes. Do you also have cross-binutils? (You need them.)


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