> i tried to install some debian-ppc/slink packages on an linux/apus
> system where i had previously an mixed redhat/debian-hamm installed.

Hmmm which libc version do you use? 1.99 ?  If so, you can't run slink

> I tried to install slink iun a separate partition, but dpkg was not
> happy at all.

Native dpkg for powerpc under glibc-2.1 makes trouble! We have a little
workaround for this (thanks dan!).

> Am i having problems caused by this glibc/kernel/dpkg incompatibility in
> what concerns chown/lchown ?

I've made the glibc. I've tested it with many kernel releases and i
have no problems. Also tested it against redhat glibc-2.1 and vice versa
with redhat bineries with slink packages. No problems of all!

> I am using kernel 2.1.90 (or 99 i don't remember well), glibc 1.99.xx,
> and the hamm dpkg. i try to install slink packages with that, but get

hamm != slink  for compatibility!!!

Do the jump to glibc-2.1 and you can use slink.

> some problems, don't remember exactly the exact output of dpkg, will try
> again this evening. Anyway, is it possible to 'cross'-install a slink
> base archive (at least the compiled part) with an older dpkg ? what is
> the exact procedure .
> is dpkg --root=newroot --force-depends -i packages.deb correct ?

Should be possible. I've done it similary on a zip device. For a getty
you can install the mingetty package. 

> Also what is the status on ldso.deb ? apart from e2fslib and mount it is
> the only vital part missing from the base packages. It is possible to
> use an static ldso with slink ? if yes, what version do i need ?

powerpc doesn't have a /lib/ld-linux.so. The ld.so is a link to
ld-2.0.94.so and this is in the glibc package.

Any successful or unsuccessful report are welcome.



 Hartmut Koptein                                       EMail:
 Friedrich-van-Senden-Str. 7                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 26603 Aurich   
 Tel.: +49-4941-10390                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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