On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:

> At the moment we have an mklinuxfs.tar.gz containing "old" libraries.
> We need this for a new system, too.

We just install BOTH libc6 and libc6.1 with the dev. environment set up to
compile with libc6.1 (just a few symlinks).
So new compiled packages will use the new libs while the currently
installed binaries will use libc6. (Or did I miss something?)

I don't think it is a big problem anyway since our current glibc snapshot
really calls itself 'libc-2.0.91', so it more appropriate to package it
under libc6.1-2.0.91 than libc6-2.x.y...

> BUT: If a new installation is needed we still need the old libraries.
> This means we need to store them somewhere.  I'll burn them on cd-rom
> before the directories vanishes.  If there's enough space what I think
> I'll put some rpm's on it, too.

No new installation required I think (cf: above)

> We also need to keep the libc6 and libc6.1 debfiles around so we are
> able to do new installations.


> Well, this also bombs my plans.  I was about finishing the
> Debian-PowerPC-Howto, seems this has to wait now.

You can already add:

Q: Why does the mklinux Netscape 4.04 binary doesn't work under

A: because glibc' new design is supposed to prevent incompatible changes
between libraries, but this goal seems to have failed.

(Note that we probably need to check this before ;)


- Vincent RENARDIAS                 [EMAIL PROTECTED],pipo.com,debian.org} -
- Debian/GNU Linux:           Pipo:                    WAW:               -
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