Hi Albert

On 09:43 Thu 02 Jun     , Albert Farrés wrote:
> Hi list!
> For a long time I've been using linux 2.6.9 in my ibook G4. Now i
> compiled 2.6.12-rc4 and everething works fine, except when the screen
> turns off (i.e. i don't touch nothing for 10 minutes). Before, when i
> moved the mouse or press a key the screen turns on, now, whith
> 2.6.12-rc4, i've to press Fn+F1/F2 to turn on the screen. Any idea?

Could it be that 2.6.9 didn't support sleep on your iBook while 2.6.12-rc4 now 
does? So pbbuttonsd is putting your iBook to sleep after 10 mins which is afaik 
the default. If this is the case, you could change the timing in 

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