On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 06:23:51PM +0200, Wojciech Owczarek wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a few questions to all the pismo users out there:
> - what kernels do you use? [patches, configs, etc]
2.6.6 from kernel.org. Newer kernels should work as well.

> - does your pbook allow you to watch dvds smoothly? [i have a standard 400mhz 
> one, 6gb hdd,192mb ram, standard cd/dvd drive, and the dvds are choppy!] - 
> when watching dvix i get cpu load at about 50-60%, but when watching dvds 
> it's up to the max, and I somehow feel it can be the cd drive's fault,
watching dvds is no fun. Two many frame drops.

> - how long does it take to boot linux on your boxes (from poweron to display 
> manager logon screen - if you use one)?
???. Haven't used it for a while. But it depends too much on the
services you run anyway.

> - have you ever heard the fan running in your pismos? a little fan near 
> airport socket - I wonder if it will ever turn on
Some time in the past I heard it, but that must have been more than 2 years
ago. I sometimes ask myself if it is broken, but the cpu never got
to hot.

> - I get 796.67 bogomips, from cpuinfo, that's okay, right?
That looks reasonable.

> - did you ever manage to get the tv-out working?


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