Hi all,
I successfully installed Debian GNU/Linux sarge in my powerboook 12" aluminium, using the netinstaller.
I do have a doubt, though. Google told me that there is no way still to make the 3dacceleration to work (grrr.... bad nvidia!), as well as the airport extreme; but I am still doubtful about the sleep function.

I found this:
Did anybody try it? Do you think that I sould just recompilre the patched kernel and it'll work?

Thanks in advanced,


Federico 'Pain' Pistono - Scream for me....
Department of Computer Science - Verona, Italy
My website :::::::::::::::: www.federicopistono.org
My personal website ::: http://pain.altervista.org
Ex-College Website :::: http://pain.altervista.org/flatnukeuwcad

Linux Registered User #340392

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