On Wednesday 11 of May 2005 17:39, Wolfram Quester wrote:

> Dänzer replied there:
> > Sometimes, a key gets 'stuck', I don't know if this is a hardware or
> > software issue. The trick is to find the key and press it again.
> > Sounds like in your case it may have been fn-Shift (i.e. right
> > Shift), which would be particularly tricky.
> It seems that many people see this issue with different adb-devices.
> Some time ago I worked quite a bit in OF and there I noticed this
> behaviour too, also in MacOSX. This makes me believe it is some kind of
> "design failure". I get it quite seldom and randomly.
It's different here (ibook g4 1.2GHz). Pressing any key makes it stop 
repeating - no need to find the same key.

> Wolfi

Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz                    PLD/Linux Team
http://www.t17.ds.pwr.wroc.pl/~misiek/  http://ftp.pld-linux.org/

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