My question (concern) is of auto loading not auto unloading. 
I too hope someone knows something about this and responds.

--- Tommy Trussell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/9/05, gm c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I tried your /etc/modprobe.d/sound file with alias sound-slot-0
> > snd-powermac.
> > It doesnt auto load the module when I open xmms to play a sound
> file.
> > I does load it on bootup which is strange.
> Here's where I hope someone who knows something about this responds
> to
> this thread -- I am a bit confused by that directory myself.
> Yesterday, I was trying to help someone with a sound problem in
> Ubuntu
> and it didn't have that directory at all.
> Under what circumstances do you want the module to unload? Couldn't
> you just unload it manually when you need to? Is this a USB sound
> card
> and you're trying to get hotplug to work?

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