On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Troy Murray wrote:

> During a recent update of packages in Debian Sarge the GNOME panel
> applet Volume Control (2.8.2) no longer functions and the open Volume
> Control preference generates the following error:  Sorry, no mixer
> elements and/or devices found.
> During the initial installation of Sarge (in December 2004), I was
> able to get sound working by simply apt-get install alsa-base and it
> has worked until this last month.
> Does anyone know of any changes in Sarge that may have affected GNOME
> Volume Control?  NOTE:  Sound still works Totem Movie Player.

Try removing gstreamer0.8-alsa and see if it fixes it (assuming you use
the OSS driver).  Do the opposite if you use the ALSA driver.

Martin-Éric Racine

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