> [...]
> I would really appreciate some tests as I don't have access to any of
> these machines. I need to know if cpufreq works reliably with those
> patches and if the new voltage control makes any differnece on battery
> life (check power consumption in /proc/pmu/battery_*/current when
> running on battery) and I need to know if the patches are improving
> reliability of sleep/wakeup.

Hi Ben!

  After downloading kernel 2.6.11 sources, patching 2.6.12-rc1, then patching
2.6.12-rc1-bk6 and compiling, I have done some test as you asked.

  I've attached a log file with a little explanation. Basically, I've put
information about "/proc/cpuinfo" and "/proc/pmu/battery_0" before and after
to suspend to ram. I got an iBook G3/600Mhz/256MB/20GB/Ati16MB. I've "cpudyn"
installed and for this reason the cpu frecuency is 400Mhz, because it's in
powersave mode.

  I don't know if I've done some wrong (I'm a new kid on the block on this
:-)), but with the 2.6.12-rc1-bk6 kernel, just when starts the boot Debian
Linux, the machine stay a few seconds quiet, just when the kernel is
loaded. With my old kernel this didn't happen. Then it continues, and boot
correctly, as always.  Also, when I close the lid for suspend to ram (without
any usb devices plugged), it suspends correctly. The problem comes when I open
the lid and the system tries to turn on. Just at this moment, my system crash,
with a black lcd and no reponse through the keyboard. All the computer stops,
the hard disk power off... I've to push the power-off button about 5 seconds
and then I can turn on the computer again.

  If you need other information or I've done some wrong or whatever, tell
me. I want to help. :-)

  Thanks again for your work and your patience.



Keep it soulful and spread love!
"Ask and it will given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you." (Mathew 7:7)

Attachment: tests.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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