On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 01:22:58AM +1000, Cedric Pradalier wrote:
> Just a remark, as one of the authors of the page above. This page and this 
> patch are
> intended for ibook G3, with a radeon 7500. I really don't know if they should 
> work for
> something else. 
> Try, Be careful, and Report...

As i mentioned in my first mail, the patch does not apply anymore. I have not
had the time to play with the dual output after i sent the original mail, and
probably will not work on it untill I move to my new apartment and get a dual
screen in my desk.

Jesus Climent                                      info:www.pumuki.org
Unix SysAdm|Linux User #66350|Debian Developer|2.6.10|Helsinki Finland
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