On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 07:49:06PM +0300, Martin-?ric Racine wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Johannes Berg wrote:
> > Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but how should it then get at the relevant
> > data to emulate APM?
> There are power management architectures predating PMU.

While that is true, the current version of apm_emu.c is heavily
dependent on via-pmu.c. It would be nice to make it a little
more generic so that the features that can be used on other
models could be exposed. That's a fair amount of work.

Unless you want to make it generic enough to apply to all
non-x86 systems, it's also not very worthwhile to put a ton
of effort into this. If you want that, it's probably better
to take the official APM driver and split it into a front
end (just the device node stuff) and a back end (hardware
interface) so that anyone can write a new back end.

Any non-PMU Mac has only minimal power management. The cuda
based models have some stuff around scheduled powerup and
server mode and can reboot the box using a cuda command.
Older models can do poweroff and (in most cases) a clean
reset but not much else.

I'm not sure what your goal is. Do you just want X to shutup
about not being able to open an APM device?

        Brad Boyer

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