Hi, a few month ago I posted about not being able to netboot a RS/6000 Model 7025-F50. It turned out to be a problem with the arpd of my server, so I changed the configuration on my server according to a FAQ mentioned in one of the replies. Due to some private issues I haven't been able to work on the machine any further, but I'm still not able to boot into Debian/Linux...
When I look at the output of the boot process, I notice one reboot because the Linux Kernel changes two FW-Settings, real-base and load-base. But the 2nd boot process dies with a DEFAULT CATCH (please see the attached logfile). Obviously the new settings are not useable on my machine, because every OS dies upon startup, this includes a currently installed AIX 4.3.3. Changing the values back to their original values made the system bootable again. Is there any chance to prevent the Linux-Kernel from changing these variables, or to set two values that won't render the system useless? Oh, I nearly forgot: I tried several initrds from http://people.debian.org/~luther/d-i, the last one was the daily build 2005-03-25. (Well, this one got stuck in a reboot-loop, with "CLAIM failed"). Bye, Christian Walther The output of the boot process is: 0 > boot net R = 1 BOOTP S = 1 Packet counts = 6484 INIT-PROGRAM: ELF-LOADER Endian mode : Load Address = 500000 signature 0x7f454c46 : 7f454c46 class 0x01 : 1 ei_data 0x01 : 2 ei_version 0x01 : 1 type 0x0002 : 2 machine 0x0014 : 14 version 0x00000001 : 1 entry 0x02001b40 : 400060 phoff 0x00000034 : 34 shoff 0x000180f4 : 32903c flags 0x00000000 : 0 ehsize 0x00000034 : 34 phentsize 0x00000020 : 20 phnum 0x00000002 : 3 shentsize 0x00000028 : 28 shnum 0x0000000a : 8 shstrndx 0x00000008 : 5 elf-real-mode:ffffffff elf-real-base:c00000 elf-real-size:ffffffff elf-virt-base:ffffffff elf-virt-size:ffffffff elf-load-base:4000 RESETing to change Configuration! boot netR = 1 BOOTP S = 1 Packet counts = 6484 INIT-PROGRAM: ELF-LOADER Endian mode : Load Address = 4000 signature 0x7f454c46 : 7f454c46 class 0x01 : 1 ei_data 0x01 : 2 ei_version 0x01 : 1 type 0x0002 : 2 machine 0x0014 : 14 version 0x00000001 : 1 entry 0x02001b40 : 400060 phoff 0x00000034 : 34 shoff 0x000180f4 : 32903c flags 0x00000000 : 0 ehsize 0x00000034 : 34 phentsize 0x00000020 : 20 phnum 0x00000002 : 3 shentsize 0x00000028 : 28 shnum 0x0000000a : 8 shstrndx 0x00000008 : 5 elf-real-mode:ffffffff elf-real-base:c00000 elf-real-size:ffffffff elf-virt-base:ffffffff elf-virt-size:ffffffff elf-load-base:4000 Number of program headers : 3 pheader # 1 ------------------------------------- type = PT_LOAD offset = 10000 vaddr = 400000 paddr = 14000 filesz = 319000 memsz = 33a5e8 flags = 7 align = 10000 about to $sync-cache ... ... done with $sync-cache pheader # 2 ------------------------------------- type = unknown type of Program Header in ELF file offset = 0 vaddr = 0 paddr = 0 filesz = 0 memsz = 0 flags = 7 align = 4 pheader # 3 ------------------------------------- type = PT_NOTE offset = 94 vaddr = 0 paddr = 0 filesz = 2c memsz = 0 flags = 0 align = 0 exiting ELF section exit INIT-PROGRAM: ELF-LOADER chrpboot starting: loaded at 0x00400000 initial ramdisk moving 0x3e89000 <- 0x005a2000 (176836 bytes) gunzipping (0x00010000 <- 0x00406c64:0x005a14fe)... DEFAULT CATCH!, code=fff00200 at %SRR0: 00400948 %SRR1: 0004b000 ______________________________________________________________ Verschicken Sie romantische, coole und witzige Bilder per SMS! Jetzt bei WEB.DE FreeMail: http://f.web.de/?mc=021193