On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, GONG Jie wrote: > Hi, all > > I try to build a cross compile toolchain for i386-linux on my Apple PowerBook > G4. I get the debian package toolchain-source and follow the following > instructions > http://people.debian.org/~debacle/cross.html >
Now, I'm all in favour of taking the road less travelled, but you have to remember that the number of people cross-building x86 is probably in single figures, and most of them are probably using x86_64! I've no experience of these packages, but if you are _only_ building for i386 then you probably need to add something like --enable-multilib=no to recent toolchain packages. The instructions you're following look a bit old, and not focussed on what you are doing (they perhaps predate x86_64 coming in to general use). For the generalities of cross-building, googling for 'crosstool' might help. Building a cross-compile toolchain is initially painful until you get your head around it, you'll probably find it easier to adjust the options if you _don't_ use a package! Also, this is probably not the right list (although I don't know which would be better), because your problem is not ppc-related. Ken -- das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce