Bryan Frechette wrote:
Michael wrote:Did you ever do an install of the debian Woody package? The reason I ask this is because I am doing that right now, and there are something like four different install kernels. Install Install-safe Install24 and Install24-safe. Install freezes like you said, I get nothing. Install-safe freezes, but I get video, install24 works, but no video, and install24-safe works. Now I am guessing that the safe thing might have a kernel that only supports the basic video stuff, like the video=ofonly does. But the main point is, from reading I gathered that the install and install24 is the difference between the 2.2 kernel and the 2.4 kernel being used, I may be wrong.Michael wrote:Hi, i tried his thing with linux video=ofonly and its freezes still, don't know what the hell happens or nothing, can't get the bloody thing to work i know my video card is the ATI Rage with 6 mb of ram, if that helpsBryan Frechette wrote:Sorry I just skimmed your message again, the first time I missed "debian sarge"Bryan Frechette wrote:What version of Debian are you using, this sounds exactly like the problem I had. It looked like it froze, but I have an external cd-rw that initialized, so I know that it was still going I just didn't have video the video=ofonly kerrnel argument will help you determine if that is your problem.Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:Sorry i forgot to add that my partition is organised in a 1mb bootstrap, 37 gig for / in reiser FS and 1 gig for swap , no mac os what so ever, i installed my os with debian sarge net install from lastweek, if that helps somewhatHi, my mac, is an Imac 333 Rev A, my debian kernel is 2.6.8, their is no error message, it just says loading kernel please wait and freezes from there, sorry that all i can say, if you need more info, just tell meOn Sun, 2005-03-13 at 00:27 -0500, Bryan Frechette wrote:hi, i just install debian sarge on my mac, and it freezes on boot, yaboot freezes and i have to pull the plug on mac imac, and i don't know how to make it work, its freezes just after saying loading kernel and nothing elseIt would be useful if you provided more informations, like the Mac model, the kernel you installed, the last message you saw, etc...Ben. Maybe there is something in the 2.6.x kernel module you have that doesn't like your imac, like the debian 2.2 kernel doesn't like my mac. As far as the video card. Is that a rage, or a rage 128, or what? I am not that profficient in graphic cards, but I do have a little information on the Rage 128 pro (mine). --Mike |
- Re: debian freezes on boot Michael
- Re: debian freezes on boot Bryan Frechette
- Re: debian freezes on boot Michael
- Re: debian freezes on boot Benjamin Herrenschmidt