Hello Ben!
Am 06.03.2005 um 00:19 schrieb Benjamin Herrenschmidt:
At the moment we run a memtester on a G4/400 for 5 days now and no problems found -- but my customer has big problems with this computer :-(
What kind of problems ?
Calm down ;-) - this bug is not Linux related - this computer has trouble with ISDN-reception and had some panics in the last few weeks and it runs Mac OS X. We tested a different ISDN modem - same problem. Yesterday i stopped memtester, 7 days, 24 hours a day I think this computer has no problem with memory :-)
But what the h... makes this computer panic? Looks like it is becoming a never ending story.
BTW. Thanks for your work at the linux kernel. My linux machine went to my customer when his machine starts to panic. :-(
Bye, Christoph
-- Dipl. Ing. Christoph Ewering C & E Mediensysteme GmbH Systemhaus für die Medienbranche
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