On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 11:52 -0800, Eric Gaumer wrote:
> Use gnome-alsa mixer and you'll see a setting for DRC. Just make sure it's 
> unckecked OR you
> have the range turned all the way up.
I don't get that option. I have Master (up full), PC Speak, Capture and
some check boxes for Line, CD, Mic etc...

> I have some recent trouble with totem where there is no sound. Anything > .99 
> doesn't work
> on my x86 though it works fine on PPC. I haven't had time to look deeply into 
> it and nobody
> else seems to have noticed a problem. As soon as I back down to .99.22-1 it's 
> fine. I know
> at least two others who had the same problem and used the same fix (both on 
> x86).

I might upgrade to sid and try that...

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