On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 09:47:51AM +1100, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> There is some significant work to do, I suspect, to re-architecture our
> current sound driver to properly deal with dual codecs & clock control,
> among others.

That explains a lot about why it has not be done yet. Maybe it would
be better to code a new driver, and hence to not touch the actual one?

> Note that the Darwin source is available as a guide to how the HW works,
> and the actual codec chips are documented.

That was what upset me, because code exists, and no reverse-engineering
is needed.

Thanks for the reply.
((__,-"""-,__))  Aurélien GÉRÔME           .---.
 `--)~   ~(--`   Free Software Developer  /     \
.-'(       )`-.  Unix Sys & Net Admin     [EMAIL PROTECTED]@./
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BOFH excuse #138: BNC (brain not connected)

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