On 14:48 Tue 01 Feb     , Pedro Sanchez wrote:
> I found in
> http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.powerpc/ch07s01.html#id2537092
> that I can press the "options" key to get a graphical boot menu. I do
> get it, and I see two icons, one for OS X and another for Linux. I click
> on the second one (or use the tab key), and then click a right arrow
> which I interpret as "continue."
Hey, now that is a cool feature! Thanks for pointing this out! Unfortunately,
that doesn't get you any further...
> However, instead of booting Linux I get a text menu that says something
> like
> Press I for GNU/Linux
>       x for OSX
>       c for CDROM
> Stage 1 boot:
> But the keyboard seems dead at this point. I tried "I", "i", "1", and
> neither works. This text menu only lasts a few seconds and then it puts
> me back into the graphical boot menu :|
It would be "l" (Small "L").
> Just to test, if a select the first icon, OS X, and then click the right
> arrow, I get a blank screen ... nothing else. I doesn't boot OS X.
That works for me...

I would try the Gentoo install CD[1]. Boot from it, chroot into your setup and
start experimenting with the bootstrap partition with mkofboot und ybin. This
is pretty good documented in the Gentoo Handbook[2]

Or, what is probably smarter, wait for someone with a more concrete idea of
what is going wrong...



[2] http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-ppc64.xml

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