On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 22:44:15 +1100
Nick Croft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Erik de Castro Lopo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > My guess is that gramofile uses its own WAV file writing code instead of
> > using something proven like libsndfile:
> > 
> >     http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/
> > 
> > Try grabbing the the sndfile-programs package and use sndfile-info on
> > the file. You can post the output here and I'll have a look.
> > 
> Obligado Erik.
> I'm about to compile libsndfile. Meanwhile 
>                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % sndfile-info Vynil/new.wav     
>                 Version : libsndfile-1.0.10
>                 ========================================
>                 File : Vynil/new.wav
>                 Length : 42598444
>                 RIFF : 619124031 (should be 42598436)
>                 WAVE
>                 fmt  : 268435456

The numbers next to RIFF and fmt are the sizes (in bytes) of those
two chunks. The RIFF chunk is should be 8 less than the file size
and fmt is usually 18 - 30 bytes in size.

Thats definitely a badly written WAV file.

  Erik de Castro Lopo  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yes it's valid)
"The one thing that reading these five books has hammered home is how
much C++ has turned into 3 languages stuck in a bag fighting to get
out. Low C++, High C++, and Generic C++."

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