On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 the mental interface of
Simon Huggins told:


> In short, Martin and I had a plan to upload the RC1 packages to
> experimental - I made some further changes to the 4.2RC1 xfdesktop code
> which Brian picked up in CVS for 4.2 and released in RC3 I believe.  I
> think the packages Martin and I have between us could easily be updated
> to the lastest RC and go to experimental now.

I didn't noticed these packages?

> I was planning on working
> on getting CVS HEAD to build now 4.2.0 is closer so when it is released
> we can have them there.  The issue after that is to sort out the
> xfce4-goodies packages.

Which is done already by os-cillation.

> Our packages (source + i386) are at http://the.earth.li/~huggie/xfce4/
> and http://people.debian.org/~madkiss/xfce4/

Xfce4.2 packages for ppc are available at:
deb http://www.lxtec.de/debarchiv binary-powerpc/
deb-src http://www.lxtec.de/debarchiv sources/

Sorry Benny, but I removed the xfld stuff..... ;-)


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