Gunnar Wolf <> writes:

> It has been four months since the General Resolution 2022/vote_003 was
> voted¹, but it has not yet been completely adopted. The archive area was
> created and at least a package was uploaded to it in October, but it has
> not seen further movement. Two days ago, a call to action for moving
> packages was sent by Cyril Brulebois², and I just sent a mail checking
> for other places where it should be included³.
> ¹
> ²
> ³

> To my surprise, the non-free-firmware archive area has not yet been
> discussed for inclusion in the Policy.

> I am (now!) aware there is a clear process to get changes included in
> the Policy, but this is the first time I do this, so please excuse me
> for jumping all the way to "State D: Wording proposed" (of course, my
> words can be checked and improved, particularly given I'm not a native
> English speaker).

> ⁴

> I am suggesting the following patch, which I'm attaching to this bug
> report, and also uploaded them to my fork of debian-policy in Salsa:


Thank you!  I also second this change, and have merged it for the next
version of Policy, including the fixes suggested by James Addison.  I
numbered the footnotes in chapter two so that both non-free and
non-free-firmware could reference the same footnote.

An editorial note: Gunnar's patch introduced non-free-firmware after main
and before contrib and non-free, and after some consideration I kept that
order because I think it reflects the high likelihood that the typical
user will encounter the non-free-firmware archive area given the results
of the GR.  That does mean that the contrib and non-free sections have
been renumbered to 2.2.3 and 2.2.4, which resurrects a section 2.2.4 that
previously was for non-US back when we had cryptography restrictions.  I
don't think this will cause any actual problems (and one of my long-term
wishlist items is for Policy to rely less on section numbering, which is
inherently unstable, and switch to some sort of persistent ID), but it
seemed worth mentioning.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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