On Tue, 13 Jun 2023 at 22:49, Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote:
> Luca Boccassi <bl...@debian.org> writes:
> > That essentially means it's fine to use diversions and ship releases
> > using them, so that's exactly what will happen as per Murphy's law.
> I think we're reaching a consensus that "must" is appropriate for the
> systemd configuration files, so this discussion is about how to phrase the
> general guidance that isn't specific to systemd.
> I'm therefore not really understanding the argument that you're trying to
> make here.  Are you trying to say that we should just delete everything in
> Policy that isn't a "must" because it serves no useful purpose?  If not,
> then why are you taking this incredibly aggressive position that general
> guidance is pointless unless it says "must"?

Waait, maybe I misunderstood - I thought the change was requested for
all additions, including systemd files? Is that not the case? (It
would be obvious what it refers to on a merge request :-P )
If I can keep a 'must' for systemd config files, then I'm ok with changing.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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