
btw, as pointed out on irc: I ment consensus, not consent. :)

On Wed, Feb 08, 2023 at 10:36:02AM -0500, Marvin Renich wrote:
> > I don't think there has been consent on the issue, thus I'm tagging it
> > moreinfo.
> > 
> > I'm also wondering whether to mark this bug as wontfix (until there is
> > consent) or to reassign to debian-policy or simply to close it.
> I disagree.  Re-reading the messages to the bug report, We have
> "strongly support" from Sam Hartman, and "also in favor" from Russ
> Allbery and Bill Allombert.
> The only objection was from Henrique de Moraes Holschuh based on lack of
> risk assessment from the mistaken impression

not only based on that, but way more importantly that this would change
*years* of existing practice.

> What is being proposed in this bug is simply a change to the Developers
> Reference to encourage package maintainers to allow dpkg installation to
> succeed even if the service fails to start, unless the package
> maintainer has a specific reason to do otherwise.

"patches welcome", especially for something which some perceive as simple


 ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
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Stop saying that we are all in the same boat.
We’re all in the same storm. But we’re not all in the same boat.

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