
On Sat, 2022-12-17 at 17:24:57 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> On Sat 17 Dec 2022 at 04:43PM +01, Guillem Jover wrote:
> > Sorry, probably my fault! As I tend to use «Fixes:» git pseudo-fields
> > for things that fix part of a bug, but are not intended yet to close it,
> > for which I use «Closes:».
> >
> > And for some reason I think I also got the impression, even though
> > the stanza changes had been committed, they could still be backed out.
> > (BTW I've now gone over the wiki and updated all paragraph references
> > that applied to stanza.)
> >
> > In any case, I've sat down and gone over the meat of the original
> > report. See below.
> We're sticking with 'stanza', and in light of that, could you confirm
> that the bug is reopened in order to make additional fixes, rather than
> back anything else out?

In case my other replies to Russ didn't make this clear. This comment
was in reference to the various replies in the sub-thread started by
Charles, where it looked to me like whether to back that out was still
an open question for the editors.

In any case, as I mentioned, given the changes being included in the
release, I took that as indeed, sticking with the term, and that's why
I reopened and submitted the actual changes this original report was
intending on requesting. :)

As an aside I've since updated the dpkg code and docs to refer to
these as stanzas everywhere applicable.


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