Package: debian-policy Version: Severity: important Control: block 991982 by -1 Control: block 987675 by -1
Dear Maintainer, For now $env -i sensible-utils, fail due to $HOME and $TERM not set. I am for now working around HOME not set in sensible-utils core, but posix [1] documentation does not document really the value that should be set for a correct behavior of program. Nevertheless: - we should expect that PATH is set to a sensible value (note that it depends of the shell), but nevertheless not setting PATH is not really safe - HOME may not be set. If set the value may be incorrect (su -) - TERM may not be set. If set the value may not be correct - USER may not be set. If set the value may be incorrect (su -) So I will like to have a footnote saying that sensible-pager/sensible-editor etc, should test if they work under env -i, and if they do not work fallback to return 126 (according to shell documentation Command invoked cannot execute), thus allowing sensible-utils to fallback to vi that is safe and tested under env -i Bastien [1]