Hi Russ,

On Sun, 06 Oct 2019 11:42:20 -0700, Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote:
> Guillem Jover <guil...@debian.org> writes:
> > On Sat, 2019-10-05 at 21:44:25 +0200, Stephen Kitt wrote:  
> >> It’s common for packages to strongly depend on non-X fonts they need;
> >> see for example the reverse dependencies of fonts-dejavu. While lintian
> >> objects to X font depencencies
> >> (<https://lintian.debian.org/tags/package-depends-on-an-x-font-package.html>),
> >> it doesn’t have anything to say about non-X fonts (rightly so).
> >> 
> >> Wouldn’t it make sense to relax the constraints on X font
> >> dependencies?  
> > Looks like it to me, yes.  
> Thank you for raising this, Stephen!  I use remote display of X
> applications all the time and noticed a while back that fonts were being
> loaded on the local machine instead of on the machine hosting the X
> server, but never had a chance to dig into what had changed.
> This change looks right to me as well.  Do you have time to propose a
> diff?

Is the following suitable?



From d5895ca185fa1d678a098697d9e1c601c84f45dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stephen Kitt <sk...@debian.org>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2019 21:09:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Allow strong dependencies on X font packages

The X server shipped in Debian no longer supports remote retrieval of
fonts from an X font server, so it no longer makes sense to forbid
packages from strongly depending on X font packages. On the contrary,
since local fonts are now the only way for an X program to obtain its
fonts, packages which require specific fonts to operate should depend
on the corresponding font package. (This is already common practice
for non-X font packages.)

Closes: #941803
Signed-off-by: Stephen Kitt <sk...@debian.org>
 policy/ch-customized-programs.rst | 17 +++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/policy/ch-customized-programs.rst 
index dbba4fc..dfe6ce4 100644
--- a/policy/ch-customized-programs.rst
+++ b/policy/ch-customized-programs.rst
@@ -380,11 +380,10 @@ themselves.
 1.  Fonts of any type supported by the X Window System must be in a
     separate binary package from any executables, libraries, or
     documentation (except that specific to the fonts shipped, such as
-    their license information). If one or more of the fonts so packaged
-    are necessary for proper operation of the package with which they
-    are associated the font package may be Recommended; if the fonts
-    merely provide an enhancement, a Suggests relationship may be used.
-    Packages must not Depend on font packages.  [#]_
+    their license information). Packages which require one or more of
+    the fonts thus packaged should Depend on the font package; if the
+    fonts merely provide an enhancement, a Recommends or Suggests
+    relationship may be used.  [#]_
 2.  BDF fonts must be converted to PCF fonts with the ``bdftopcf``
     utility (available in the ``xfonts-utils`` package, ``gzip``\ ped,
@@ -617,9 +616,11 @@ installed in ``/usr/share/man/man6``.
    Window System, however, must abide by this font policy.
 .. [#]
-   This is because the X server may retrieve fonts from the local file
-   system or over the network from an X font server; the Debian package
-   system is empowered to deal only with the local file system.
+   In the past, the X server could retrieve fonts from the local file
+   system or over the network from an X font server, so packages were
+   forbidden from declaring a Depends relationship with font
+   packages. This is no longer the case: the X font server shipped in
+   Debian no longer supports remote font retrieval.
 .. [#]
    Note that this mechanism is not the same as using app-defaults;

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