Jonathan Nieder <> writes:

> For command line options like "-b", I would be okay with following the
> same model as last time and using space as a source of extensibility
> (i.e., breaking compatibility).  So for that I wouldn't want to use
> the bracket syntax.

> For future settings in the same spirit as <path> that don't involve
> command line options, or for command-line options that are okay to
> ignore, the

>   Vcs-Git-Whatsit: <whatsit>

> approach should work okay.

> So I'm thinking the bracketed path might be enough here, without need
> for the additional complexity of in-field key/value pairs.

Yeah, this is a pretty good point, and it decreases the complexity of the
syntax a fair bit.  Ian, what do you think about making the extensibility
model for any future thing be add another field?

Russ Allbery (               <>

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