
On Thu 08 Nov 2018 at 02:51PM GMT, Ian Jackson wrote:

> How about:
>   Package builds MAY be affected, sometimes adversely, by the
>   installation of additional packages beyond the Build-Depends
>   and build-essential, subject to the following rules:
>     Nature of package          Effect            Permitted
>                                on build output
>     Installed by default       Any effect        MUST NOT
>     with any Build-Depends

"Installed by default" defers to apt's opinion of what gets installed by
default.  Policy should probably not do that, so we should refers to
Depends and Recommends.

>     Part of any reasonble      Additional        SHOULD NOT
>     default install for         features
>     development workstation
>                                Build fails       SHOULD NOT,
>                                                MUST Build-Conflict
>                                Builds broken     MUST NOT
>                                packages
>     Other packages             Additional        MAY
>                                 features
>                                Build fails       SHOULD NOT,
>                                                MUST Build-Conflict
>                                Builds broken     MUST NOT
>                                packages
> Or to put it another way:
>  Package builds MAY be influenced by the presence in the build
>  environment of additional packages, beyond the Build-Depends and
>  build-essential.  However:
>  Additional packages MUST NOT have any effect other than either:
>    (i) a failure of the build, in which case the additional packages
>    MUST be declared in Build-Conflicts); or
>    (ii) output packages with additional features or functionality.
>    Such additional features MAY imply additional functional runtime
>    dependencies, which then SHOULD be represented in the output
>    packages' metadata.  In this case the additional packages
>    SHOULD NOT be declared in Build-Conflicts.
>  Additionally, in any case: additional packages which are installed by
>  default by apt when the build dependencies are installed MUST NOT
>  have any significant effect.

Do we really want (ii)?  It seems like a recipe for all sorts of
confusion.  Do any packages currently work like that?

In order to implement something like this, we'd need to rebuild the
archive on a "development workstation" to confirm we weren't making a
lot of packages RC-buggy.  (It is not clear to me that such packages
would be considered by most Debian participants to be RC-buggy in
advance of a Policy change like this one being proposed.)

Sean Whitton

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