Bastian Blank writes ("Re: Bug#776413: The priority of the ed package"):
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 11:49:58AM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > This makes it sound theoretical, or a question of breaking people's
> > `finger macros'.  That is indeed annoying.  But there is a much more
> > serious practical point, which Paul Hardy touches on.
> How many people are using "ed" and not for example the still installed
> "ex"?

I don't think ex is in the base system.  Are you suggesting that an
implementation of it should be added ?  On my system here it seems to
be provided by vim.tiny and /usr/bin/ex is 20x the size of /bin/ed.

> Serial lines have absolutely no problem with vim or similar stuff.  ANSI
> command sequences work on all of them.  You may need to restrict
> yourself to 80x25.

You mean `you may need to make sure that all of your relevant terminal
windows are exactly 80x25 or risk data loss'.  I hop I don't need to
explain why 

> > Conversely, ed works perfectly.  It can also be used as a pager (since
> > less doesn't work properly either).
> We have "more".

At least `more' is in the base system...


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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