Sean Whitton writes ("Bug#908933: debian-policy: typo in document in section 
3.4 page no 15 line number 16 needs improvement."):
> On Wed 19 Sep 2018 at 09:50AM +0530, Jaikumar Sharma wrote:
> > I've attached another screeshot again where original word is as it is
> > as part of debian policy document and have added the same word just
> > below it. Can you please spot/see now the difference?
> I can see that the spacing before the 'i' is larger in the Policy text
> than in the superimposed text, but it is not suggestive of a bug.

I have looked at the most recent screenshot in this bug report and I
agree that in that screenshot `administrivia' has bad kerning just
before the final i.

However, I looked at
from debian-policy_4.2.1.1_all.deb with mupdf on my stretch i386
system, and it looks absolutely fine.  See attached policy-ok.png.

I also looked at it in xpdf on stretch.  I even looked in evince,
although I find it maddening.  It all seems fine.

I notice that the screenshot is from Adobe Reader.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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