control: tag -1 -patch +moreinfo


On Sun 29 Jul 2018 at 07:35PM +0200, Agustin Henze wrote:

> Hi, I've tried sending this change through salsa but it seems to be disabled
> the option for merge requests.

Yes, there is a process for changing Policy that usually involves
discussion, so we request patches in the BTS.  This has come up a few
times recently so I'm going to add a note to our

> Please find attached a patch for pointing where
> to find the days according to the urgency value.

Thank you for the patch, but I'm not sure that it belongs in the Policy
Manual.  ISTM that it should go under section 5.13.2 of the Developers'
Reference, which discusses how the urgency field is implemented by our

If you agree, please reassign, or explain why you think dev-ref would
not be appropriate.

Sean Whitton

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