Control: unmerge 567033

On Fri, 11 Aug 2017 at 07:07:49 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> The latest version of the FHS does not have /usr/games, so merging this
> with the bug about updating our FHS version.

Removing the games directories was considered in
and <>, but there
was no consensus. The FHS 3.0 as published by the Linux Foundation says
essentially the same things games as FHS 2.3:

> [/usr/]games          Games and educational binaries (optional)
> ...
> [/usr/share/]games    Static data files for /usr/games (optional)
> ...
> Similarly, a /usr/lib/games hierarchy may be used in addition to the
> /usr/share/games hierarchy if the distributor wishes to place some game
> data there.

(/usr/local/games is technically also mandatory, although I'm sure
that's an oversight and it was meant to be optional...)

Debian can choose to put games in the /.../games directories, or in the
standard directories /usr/bin, /usr/share etc., or any mixture of our
choice, orthogonal to whether/when we move to FHS 3.0.


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