
On Sun, Jun 10 2018, Sean Whitton wrote:

>> Maybe this sentence should be removed from here, and added to the
>> last paragraph ("A very old ...") somewhere.  Or maybe, even,
>> removed.  Do we in fact file bugs automatically ?  I'm not aware of
>> us doing so.
> Just to check we're on the same page, I read this as saying that one
> could do a mass bug filing of packages with a std-ver older than X
> when X introduces a new requirement that we really want all packages
> to satisfy as soon as possible.  I.e. the automatic filing of bugs is
> for the requirement, not for the fact that the std-ver is out-of-date.

Having slept on it I now think that it is unreasonable to read this into
the sentence.  It simply doesn't have enough context for us to know what
the author intended.  And Bill makes several good points.

A sentence that we can't readily understand should probably be removed
from Policy.  So I propose doing that (small modification to the patch I
posted for seconds, and already seconded by Holger).

Sean Whitton

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