Package: debian-policy
Severity: minor
Tags: patch

The term “synopsis” is established in the definition of “Formatted
Text”. This attached patch uses that term more consistently in the

 \        “My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. |
  `\               Unless there are three other people.” —Orson Welles |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>
From c7aa1b5925a7b1e3135dc42b4644f11a1e146f5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Finney <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 04:26:21 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Use=20the=20=E2=80=9Csynopsis=E2=80=9D=20term?=
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 copyright-format-1.0.xml | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/copyright-format-1.0.xml b/copyright-format-1.0.xml
index 2eef301b..4819206c 100644
--- a/copyright-format-1.0.xml
+++ b/copyright-format-1.0.xml
@@ -346,10 +346,10 @@ License: GPL-2+</programlisting>
         Stand-alone <varname>License</varname> paragraphs can be used to
         provide the full license text for a given license once, instead of
-        repeating it in each <varname>Files</varname> paragraph that refers to
-        it.  The first line of the <varname>License</varname> field must be a
-        single license short name or a short name followed by a license
-        exception.
+        repeating it in each <varname>Files</varname> paragraph that refers
+        to it. The synopsis (on the first line) of the
+        <varname>License</varname> field must be a single license short name
+        or a short name followed by a license exception.
         The following fields may be present in a stand-alone License
@@ -490,22 +490,22 @@ License: MPL-1.1
         gives the licensing terms for those paragraphs which reference it.
-        First line: an abbreviated name for the license, or expression
-        giving alternatives (see the <link linkend="license-short-name">Short
-        name</link> section for a list of standard abbreviations).  If
-        there are licenses present in the package without a standard short
-        name, an arbitrary short name may be assigned for these licenses. 
-        These arbitrary names are only guaranteed to be unique within a
-        single copyright file.
+        First line (synopsis): an abbreviated name for the license, or
+        expression giving alternatives (see the <link
+        linkend="license-short-name">Short name</link> section for a list of
+        standard abbreviations). If there are licenses present in the package
+        without a standard short name, an arbitrary short name may be assigned
+        for these licenses. These arbitrary names are only guaranteed to be
+        unique within a single copyright file.
-        If there are no remaining lines, then all of the short names
-        or short names followed by license exceptions making up the
-        first line must be described in <link
+        If there are no remaining lines, then all of the short names or
+        short names followed by license exceptions in the synopsis must be
+        described in <link
         linkend="stand-alone-license-paragraph">stand-alone License
         paragraphs</link>.  Otherwise, this field should either
         include the full text of the license(s) or include a pointer to the
-        license file under <filename>/usr/share/common-licenses</filename>. 
+        license file under <filename>/usr/share/common-licenses</filename>.
         This field should include all text needed in order to fulfill both
         Debian Policy's requirement for including a copy of the software's
         distribution license (<ulink
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ Copyright 2009, 2010 Angela Watts</programlisting>
         Much of the value of a machine-parseable copyright file lies in being
         able to correlate the licenses of multiple pieces of software.  To that
         end, this spec defines standard short names for a number of commonly
-        used licenses, which can be used in the first line of a
+        used licenses, which can be used in the synopsis (first line) of a
         <varname>License</varname> field.

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