On Tue, 06 Dec 2016 15:54:46 +0100 Ansgar Burchardt <ans...@debian.org>
> On Sat, 2016-12-03 at 06:33 +0100, Adam Borowski wrote:
> > And to actually fix the issues, instead of merely dropping the
> > mention and
> > thus making the dependencies last forever because of inertia, I urge
> > you to
> > go all the way from "priority of rdepends MUST be raised" all the way
> > to
> > "priority of rdepends MUST NOT be raised, every package is to be
> > evaluated
> > only based on what it directly brings to the user (elevation possibly
> > _moved_ to a metapackage/etc but never copied the other way)" (maybe
> > just a
> > SHOULD NOT for a transitional period).
> I think this should be a "SHOULD NOT":
> The main consumer of the priority information is the installer
> (debootstrap) which has only a very limited dependency resolver.  It
> might be necessary to raise the priority of dependencies to make sure
> it does the right thing (I don't think we need this currently, but we
> should keep the option open in case it turns out we need it).
> Ansgar


I support this (with "SHOULD NOT").


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