Package: debian-policy Version: Three potential issues:
First, note that the (emacs) metapackage version doesn't have any correspondence with the version of emacs itself, i.e. right now it's 46.1, so I suspect the current >= 24.4 restriction isn't what was intended. Second -- in general, packages shouldn't build-depend on the emacs metapackage. Right now it's really only intended as a convenience for users that just want to make sure they have the "latest recommended emacs flavor". So packages should depend on at least one concrete flavor (likely the -nox variant for builds), and then the virtual flavor (the provides), i.e.: Build-Depends: emacs24-nox | emacs24 And of course you can put normal version restrictions on the flavors if needed. And finally, we'd like to remove emacs24 from the archive as soon as it's feasible, so please try to upgrade to emacs25, or add optional support for emacs25 as soon as you can. For example, assuming the package works with emacs25, a dependency like emacs25-nox | emacs25 | emacs24 should suffice. Thanks -- Rob Browning rlb and GPG as of 2011-07-10 E6A9 DA3C C9FD 1FF8 C676 D2C4 C0F0 39E9 ED1B 597A GPG as of 2002-11-03 14DD 432F AE39 534D B592 F9A0 25C8 D377 8C7E 73A4