Dear Josh,

I'm currently making my first package, Processing. It's a GUI teaching
tool for (usually Java) programming, with its own standard libraries
for the code produced. It is currently split up into three packages:
"processing" the GUI, "libprocessing3-java" the library, and
"processing-doc" for documentation. It has the following dependency

processing –Depends→ libprocessing3-java
           –Depends→ processing-doc

libprocessing3-java –Sugggests→ processing-doc

This would violate the proposed policy change, but for very good
reason because no educational program is very effective without some
documentation. Bundling processing-doc with processing would not
resolve the issue, as then libprocessing3-java has no documentation
package available. (And libprocessing3-java will be available as a
stand-alone package as Processing has a number of more experienced
users who prefer Eclipse to the beginners' GUI.)

To resolve such issues, I would amend the last sentence of the patch to

+         Otherwise,
+         <var>package</var> should declare at most a <tt>Recommends</tt> on
+         <var>package</var>-doc, unless <var>package</var>-doc is
needed for the
+         practical use of <var>package</var>.

Thank you,

George Bateman.

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