On 2015-01-02 at 17:51 (CET), Russ Allbery wrote:
> Cyril Brulebois <k...@debian.org> writes:
> > Jakub Wilk <jw...@debian.org> (2015-01-02):
> >> * Jonathan Wiltshire <j...@debian.org>, 2015-01-01, 21:49:
> >>> -Send an gpg-signed email about why you are leaving the project to
> >>> -<email>debian-private@&lists-host;</email>.
> >>> +Send an gpg-signed email announcing your retirement to
> >>> +<email>debian-private@&lists-host;</email>. It's courteous, but not 
> >>> essential,
> >>> +to include a brief explanation of your decision.
> >> Seconded.
> > Seconded as well.
> >> (I'd even go as far as to remove the second sentence. People will figure
> >> out themselves that they can explain their reasons if they wish so.)
> > That would make sense.
> Yeah, I agree.  While we may all like to know, we really don't need to
> know, and I'm not sure we can defend even the statement that it's
> courteous to disclose what may be private, personal reasons.

I completely agree here. Thus, seconded.

Matteo F. Vescovi || Debian Developer
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