Package: developers-reference
Version: 3.4.11
Severity: normal
Tags: patch


At the Security team sprint meeting in Essen we concluded that working
trough the request tracker does not fit well with our workflows when
handling issues. We would thus like to change the paragraph on how to
contact the security-team in the developers-reference in paragraph
5.8.5. The change consist to make the email contact the only point of
contact removing the reference to the Request Tracker.

Attached patch addresses this, could you apply it for your next update
of the dev-ref?

Index: pkgs.dbk
--- pkgs.dbk	(revision 10373)
+++ pkgs.dbk	(working copy)
@@ -843,10 +843,9 @@
 When you become aware of a security-related bug in a Debian package, whether or
 not you are the maintainer, collect pertinent information about the problem,
-and promptly contact the security team, preferably by filing a ticket in
-their Request Tracker.
-See <ulink url="";></ulink>.
-Alternatively you may email &email-security-team;.
+and promptly contact the security team by emailing &email-security-team;. If
+desired, email can be encrypted with the Debian Security Contact key, see 
+<ulink url="";></ulink> for details.
 <emphasis role="strong">DO NOT UPLOAD</emphasis> any packages for
 <literal>stable</literal> without contacting the team.  Useful information
 includes, for example:

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